maandag 12 januari 2015

Eight year old Vanya heavily injurred from Ukrainian shell

His stef-father and five-year old little brother were killed by the Ukrainian shell. Eight-year old Vanya survived the horendous attack.

English subtitles. Please click them on on the bottom right-hand side in case they do not appear automatically.

This news was published on and on the Strelkov page on Saturday evening 10 January. The injury of Vanya and the killing of his little brother being the result of 60 shellings of Donetsk the past 3 days.

Tim en Vanya in betere tijden.......

As a reminder, Poroshenko, the president of Ukraine and as highest commander, responsible for the Ukrainian army and its shelling, will be in Paris today joining the march against terrorism. Poroshenko expressed his condolences to the French, he even is Charlie. Although he wrote probably mistakenly "Je suis Charie", he meant to say "Je suis Charlie!!"

UPDATE 11-1-2015 18:00 HRS From LGK we received This LINK with the below photo's. According to the link it's innocent civilians being killed by a GRAD missile attack from resistance fighters. However, we also received this LINK, claiming the contrary, viz. the innocense of the resistance fighters and blaming it on Ukrainian side being responsible, adding that the father of the family had been killed by Ukraine forces before, on alledged sympathy or involvement with the resistance. In any case, the location is in territory under control of Ukraine forces and victims feell the 14 year daughter, the mother and the grandmother. And the father was killed before.

13 opmerkingen:

  1. De terroristen zelf lopen vooraan in de opmars tegen terrorisme.

  2. Nou wrede, als je tegenwoordig de media leest merk je op dat lang niet iedereen het eens is met het gedrag van het Oekraïense leger. Er gebeuren op dit moment allerhande onfrisse zaken zodat de aandacht even is afgeleid maar daarom niet weg is. Zo komen er steeds meer berichten uit dat Nederland niet geheel onschuldig is aan het neerstorten van MH17 maar ze kronkelen zich in alle bochten om hun 'onschuld' aan te tonen. Zelfs in Amerika begint men andere geluiden te laten horen. Allemaal complotters omdat het niet in jouw straatje past? Jouw stellingen worden steeds meer ondergraven. Geef je straks ook toe dat je fout zit?
    Iets voor jou om over na te denken: stel dat Limburg onafhankelijk wil worden van Nederland (reden genoeg daarvoor) maar dat het leger Limburg binnenvalt om die opstand met geweld, ook op gewone burgers, in de kiem te smoren. Aan welke kant sta jij als Limburger dan?

    1. Je vergeet nog wat dingen.
      Namelijk dat de buren eerst mensen opstoken om te demonstreren, daarna een legerleider sturen om een gewapende opstand te veroorzaken en daarna ook nog eens steeds zwaardere wapens levert.
      Daarbij verkondigen de buren ook nog eens propaganda en leugens zoals dat men genocide wil plegen op de bevolking, etc...

    2. Dat is kort door de bocht mennie, wat deden Verhofstad en van Balen in Kiev, meteen nadat de op democratische wijze verkozen president het land was ontvlucht nadat zijn overeenkomst met Rusland ineens niet goed meer was? Meteen daarna zaten er Amerikaanse poppetjes in de regering, hoe komt het UA aan hun zware wapens? Wie betaald dat? Wie voert constant anti Rusland propaganda? Na die westerse coup is Rusland er zich mee gaan bemoeien door de Krim via referendum terug bij Rusland te laten komen, maar daarvóór hoorde of zag je niks van Russische bemoeienis, ja misschien alleen dat er een flinke gasrekening betaald moest worden. En wie heeft ondertussen die rekening betaald? Jij en ik.

  3. Deze reactie is verwijderd door een blogbeheerder.

    1. Wasda nou?
      Ik zie mensen reageren op kroel maar ik zie het originele comment niet?

    2. Leuk gevonden: "kroel" ;-)

  4. Feit dat die reactie verwijderd is geeft aan van welk gehalte deze was. Had het eigenlijk ook wel verwacht.
    Misschien dom van mij om op de wrede te reageren.

  5. Cruelman heeft zijn eigen blog plek hier:
    Tot nu toe heeft hij daar nog geen gebruik van gemaakt.


  6. Deel 1.

    Het is wel een aardige parrallel: CHARLIE in Parijs, en Cruel op deze blog.
    Dus: Vrijheid van Meningsuiting. Betekent dat dat iedereen àlles maar mag poneren? Of betekent het dat er toch wel grenzen zijn?

    Ik kan met de hand op het hart verklaren dat ik oprecht naar een goed leven voor àlle mensen op aarde streef. En dat ik zeker weet dat daarbij hoort dat ik moet pogen om lieden als CHARLY HEBDO te beteugelen in hun vrijheid.
    Zelfs het beteugelen van Cruel stel ik zeer op prijs: daar wordt de wereld beter van.

    Vandaag heb ik op de site van de Saker kort uitgelegd hoe de immigratie hier in nederland volgens mij verlopen is. ( En waar hij toe dient)

    Ik wil dat graag hier ook plaatsen.
    Het zal wel off topic zijn, en het zal zeker mensen tegen de borst stuiten, maar het is wel de enige discussie die we nu, in deze cruciale dagen en maanden, moeten voeren. Ik ben namelijk bang dat de machtigen in deze wereld in onze landen een soort burgeroorlog willen aansteken. Dat ze de vijandigheid jegens de moslims nog hoger willen opvoeren. Ik leid dat af uit de enorme aandacht die er was voor de aanslag door twee moslims op Charlie.

    Hier is mijn beknopt overzicht, in het Engels:

    I want to tell you what the facts are in The Netherlands. We now have 13 million original Dutch people. And 1,5 million immigrants from Western cultures (Germans, Americans etc). Then we have 2 million Non-western immigrants. The main groups are: 400 K Marrocans, 400K Turkish and 500 K from Surinam and the Carribean. That leaves 700 K non-western immmigrants from all over the world, and there you would find asylumseekers from Iraq for instance.

    My ideas (or prejudices if you like) about immigration are like this: A moderate immigration is better thaan no immigrants at all. A large flood of immigrants is too much. A large flood of immigrants from one country will make integration unnecessary, create joblessness and dependancy on welfare of this large group: bad for their reputation.

    Other prejudices I have are these: As a result of evolution in different environments, ethnic groups differ in behavior-preferences. The further the 'genetic disctance' between ethnic groups, the more difficult life together will be.
    I find this confirmed in the States: French, German, Italian and Swedish immigrants all assimilated: melted togehter, because they not only looked alike, but also behavior-preferences that looked alike. Black and Chinese people have integrated more or less, but not assimilated in general.

    Back to The Netherlands.
    Our biggest problem we have with a small group: Moroccan male youngsters. Their mulsim nephews from Turkey cause hardly any problem. So I am sure it has very little to do with islam, but it has to do with moroccan culture and probably with their origin from a mountainous region in Morocco: to survive in that biotope requires a rough mindset, I suppose.

  7. Deel 2.

    Now to politics and history.
    Yes, the start for immigration were the big companies who needed workers. Not cheap workers. That was in the 60s. But already in 1973 many of them had lost their job. In those days 'political correctness' became influential. So the governement was pressured to enable these migrant-workers to bring their wife and children to the Netherlands, if they would like that. ( Before, it was forbidden.) Around 1974 this law on 'family-reunion' was voted for. From then on the gates were open. Moroccans and Turkish youngsters typically married a cousin from the homeland. This bride or groom did not speak the language, so in the young family Turkish or Moroccan was the language used. Their children came to school speaking little Dutch. But all these problems were taboo to speak about: political correctness was ruling.

    Caution! Before I continue I must tell you that in my opinion jewish people have an enormous influence on many societies. And yet they are not so often criticised, not in the MSM that is. So I consider it my role to criticise jewish people. Watch out for me: I may be biased. But I try my best to find truth. And my ( catholic) grandparents had their little butchery in the 'jewish quarter' so I expect to have some jewish genes myself.

    Question: why was this mass-immigration not stopped, as we did not need the workers and many of them came and lived on sociaal benefits?
    I think it was because those who controle 'political correctness' made any discussion about it impossible. Everyone who started to speak about it was ostracised: 'That is discrimination! You are like Hitlers. Auschwitz was also the result of discrimibnation. All people are equal. Immigrants are the same as you and me. IQ does not exist. etc. etc. " To start this discussion was political suicide.

    Note: In 1994 a dutch jewish author, Leon de Winter, wrote a little book: " Manual for fighting the extreme right." He defended open borders and immigration. Ten years later, and ever since, this same author was a professional muslim-basher.
    I believe that jewish people controle our 'beliefs'. They are the Masters of Discourse, as Israel Shamir calls them. They have made Europe multi-ethnic on purpose. And in 2001 they decided to turn the key: end of the 'create diversity' period. Now it was time to start the 'divide' period: start a long period of muslim-bashing. Make the minds ripe for civil strive or even civil war. Then the ignition will come one day by itself.

    The enormous media attention for 'Paris' was officially to 'be united in our anger about these cruel assasins'. But the assassins were muslims. That is why it was made so big. The Masters of Discourse decide how bad some event is. The 2000 Gazan's killed were not so bad, not so important. But journalists who used 'Freedom of Speech' to ignite hatred and to hurt 1,6 billion people, their assasination was made important. Because it was muslims who did it. In 1999 Nato killed 'the Freedom of the Press' by bombing a TV station in Belgrado. Nobody was ever accused for this war crime.
    My conclusion: Its 'The Masters of Discourse'. They rule the masses. They manipulate our 'beliefs' about good and bad. The decide what direction we go. Now they make us destroy our own countries, just like the jihadists did with their arab countries and the Ukrainians did with their country. Look closely who supported these jihadists, these nazi's, the pro-immigration movement ( Leon de Winter, and the muslim bashing movement ( Leon de Winter) . If only we could 'round up the usual suspects'.


    Ik heb het nog wat langer gemaakt dan bij de Saker.
    Ik heb geen idee of mijnheer Blik hier van gediend is.
    Zo niet dan mag hij het best weg halen.

    groet, JV.

  8. Voor een euro wordt nu 74,66 roebel betaald; Koers euro vandaag in Rusland sterk gestegen. Eens kijken waar hij eind vd week staat.

  9. Bij Kryakovka wint Novorossiya een slag maar verliest erbij oa 4 tanks, 4 Howitzers, 12 man en 20 gewond Is gebeurd in afgelopen etmaal.
