woensdag 11 juni 2014

"Keep on Fighting for Democracy", Hans Van Baalen (EU-Parliament) after Odessa and Mariopel (1/2)

"Keep fighting for Democracy", and "Odessa 2nd of May, please explain me" are a few of the remarks made by Mr Hans van Baalen in the below interview. Especially for somebody following the developments in Ukraine closely, and after the otrocities in Odessa and Mariopel, these statements may be considerred as remarkable.

The words were spoken on Friday 16 May after an election debate at the Pauw & Witteman TV studios in Amsterdam. Hans van Baalen is the most well known Dutch EU politician (VVD, Liberal Democrat party) and got exposure by his appearance on the Maidan square this winter, addressing the protesting crowd (see video at the bottom). However, in the (Dutch) media we could not find anybody asking him logical questions after his Kiev performance and after the first violent results we see from the coup regime.

So that's why we decided to go out and meet with him. And the result you can see below. Please accept my appology for bad filming work from my part, but it was the first time interviewing and filming at the same time. And as you can see, all first times are not easy, but the interview itself we consider interesting enough to share it with you. Action starts from around mintue 5:00 and Hans van Baalen comes in the picture from minute 7:00.

And here below the appearance of Hans van Baalen together with Guy Verhofstadt on Maidan.

This was part 1 in a series of 2 about Hans van Baalen on Ukraine; Part 2 was filmed just after the elections and will be published here shortly, so stay tuned.

1 opmerking:

  1. Beetje late reactie...

    Zullen we aan Van Baalen vragen hoe het is gelopen met dat onafhankelijke onderzoek naar Odessa- 2 mei ?
