vrijdag 27 november 2015

Poroshenko going Dutch

Holland is the only country where the EU association of Ukraine is subject to a referendum to be held in April 2016. All indicators show the Dutch are going to say "NO". Poroshenko is trying to turn the tide. In this light, his visit to the Netherlands should be viewed.

It remains to be seen whether his visit did more good than bad. Taking the reactions to his speech at the University in Leiden, things look gloomy to the President of the heavily divided country.

Two-day visit

Poroshenko's speech in Leiden was part of his two-day visit to the Netherlands. Poroshenko also met with representatives of the Parliament and he visited King Willem Alexander.

Negative reactions

The reactions to Poroshenko's speech, that could be watched via a live-stream at the web-site of Geenstijl, promotors of the referendum as well, were mostly negative and above-all ironic.

Frans Bierings: "According to Poroshenko we are cowards: "Eurosceptics are Euro-cowards". And this element must join the EU? Get out of here!"

Eindbaas: "Listening to this man talking about free media, owning five tv-stations himself is the utmost of dirty hypocrisie."

Cuyahoga: "A pitty no questions could be asked; I wanted to know his explantion of him glorifying the Nazi's. He is a fan of UPA, who slaughteres tens of thousands of Poles in one of the most horrific etnic cleansics in Ukraine's history. Boy oh boy, what a drama. Anybody able to read and write and still voting in favour of this association (with Ukraine) really lost his mind."

Tyromancer in irony modus: "Was the word "money" mentionned already? Or did he stick to Ukraine values, "democracy, transparency and trust"?

Double Punch: "Will the good man believe it all himself?"

Copy Cat: "The questions have been agreed upon beforehand. Democracy at a premium"

Lupuslupus: "Why there are no homo's protesting in Leiden? They did upon Putin's visit as well, did not they? Ohh, wait, in Ukraine homo's are welcome and for 100% accepted of course. That's the reason of the complete absence of gay-protesters."


In short, the Dutch were far from impressed by the chocolate-sweet Double-Dutch of the President doing so much his best to be charming.

Yesterday Poroshenko visited the Dutch Parliament. Here he is driving away. No activists were present. Also the gay-protesters, so much present when Putin arrived some years ago, did not take the effort to come to meet with Poroshenko. Anyway, the few people being present were kept at a large distance. No contact being possible. The same counts for the speech in Leiden. Three people were allowed to ask well prepared questions to Poroshenko. Spontanity at a record low. From the man preaching with words democracy and transparency.

16 opmerkingen:

  1. O, je mocht ook geen vragen stellen aan "Choclate Pjotr", tja!

    1. Net als in Noord Korea. 3 tot in de naad voorbereidde vragen en antwoorden.

  2. Weer volop leugens van uw grote leugenaar Blik die geen reet geeft om mensen met welke geaardheid ook, welke religie ook of welke hobby...zolang u Blik niet leest of begrijpt mag u sterven van hem, hij geeft geen reet om u!! Hij liegt en bedriegt de boel hier bij elkaar en hoopt dat er stommelingen genoeg zijn die daar in trappen. Trap er niet in als u een hart heeft, en trap niet in haat. Laat Blik links liggen, of rechts....zolang u hem maar laat liggen. Hij wil geen vrijheid voor niemand, alleen voor zichzelf en zijn slaafjes....

    1. Maybe you can write it in English Cruelman; we have a lot of international visitors to this website in general, and to this article in particular:

    2. Fijn dat je fantasie nog goed werkt Blikkie....daarom ben je ook zo Nederlandstalig bezig....nu 1 artikeltje in het Engels..poe poe...je moet weer eens belangrijk lijken...

  3. 2 journalisten van de nieuwsdienst Cumhuriyet zijn gearresteerd vanwege politiek en militair spioneren en naar buiten brengen van vertrouwelijke informatie ten dienste van een terroristische organisatie. Wat hadden ze naar buiten gebrachten foto's en video's waar Turkije wapens smokkelt naar jihadisten, wat reuring in de turkse maatschappij teweeg bracht.

    Turkije ook bij Europa ?

  4. Het is weer zover. De schuld slaven bevechten elkaar om spullen die ze niet nodig hebben. Geld uitgeven dat ze niet hebben.

  5. China to set up 1st overseas naval base in Djibouti next to US airbase

    Vind de zionistische anglo amerikaanse centrale bankiers maffia niet leuk.

  6. Op de krim wordt een beeltenis van Erdogan verbrand.

  7. Kremlin pleased with results of French president’s visit to Moscow

  8. Het eerste wat ze gaan doen wanneer de noodtoestand wordt afgekondigd.

    France Begin Shutting Down Alternative News Websites

    Waar is de zogenaamde vrijheid ? De franse consitutie op vrijheid van meningsuiting ?

    1. Bleeeeerrrrrr, Blik bedreigt nazi's en terroristen die Cruel verdedigt! Vlug, ren naar de eerste de beste politiepost of schakel de AIVD in voordat Cruel de infowar gaat verliezen.

  9. Belangrijk nieuw van Irma Schiffers.


  10. Erdogan: Rusland moet zich verontschuldigen bij Turkije.





  11. Eindbaas: "Listening to this man talking about free media, owning five tv-stations himself is the utmost of dirty hypocrisie."
    Five TV stations?? Wow, what an expert of Ukraine Eindbaas is! It’s in fact one TV channel, “the 5th channel”, among many others (the Opposition parties in Ukraine have their channels too). It’s a shame people start jumping to conclusions like that on topics they are hardly familiar with…
