vrijdag 1 mei 2015

BBC continues spreading lies and mist around Odessa tragedy

Tomorrow it is 2 May and it is the first anniversary of the Odessa tragedy. A broad daylight slaughtering of 48 people. Person by person. Executed by Extreme Ukraine nationalists and criminals, covered by the western backed Kiev regime. Some of the faces and bodies of the victims coverred with petrol and burnt black. At BBC it is lying a GoGo (common business for this organisation):

Here the corrections and truth. With thanks to Ben.

"Deaths came as pro-Russian protesters clashed with Ukrainian government supporters in the city." - Reality: Deaths came as Right Sector Militants were bussed in from Kiev and West Ukraine to suppress Anti-fascists in Odessa.

"Reports suggest that both pro-Russians and supporters of Kiev were throwing petrol bombs in the area"

- Reality: The only reports that suggest pro-Russians were throwing petrol bombs, are mainstream corporate media networks such as BBC. Why would pro-Russians be throwing petrol bombs when they're trapped inside of a building?

"Protesters were pictured throwing petrol bombs at the building"

- Here we go with the "Protester" business. Whenever it's Right Sector, they're protesters, and whenever they're pro-Russians, they are terrorists.

"The fire broke out in Odessa's Trade Unions House, the regional office of Ukraine's interior ministry said. It did not give details of how the blaze started."

- Well that's convenient! It didn't give details of how the blaze started! Probably because Corporate media doesn't want to inform it's public that it's the Neo-Nazis who started the fire.

"The exact sequence of events is still unclear, but reports suggest the separatists had barricaded themselves inside the building and both sides were throwing petrol bombs."

- Oh really? So while Anti-fascists were stuck in the burning building, they decided to light up Molotov cocktails instead of try to survive. Makes perfect sense!

"Ukrainian Deputy Foreign Minister Danylo Lubkivsky told the BBC he regretted the loss of life but insisted Russia was behind the violence. 'The situation remains under control. But the security situation is threatened by Russian special agents' he said."

- Lubkivsky has no credibility period. And how exactly is Russia behind the violence? What good would it do? Let's play the game of let's blame them for what we're doing.

It's clear the BBC is trying to paint the Right Sector as victims of the fire as well, or wait "pro-government supporters". And they also want to give the impression that Anti-Fascists were asking for it since they too were apparently throwing petrol bombs.

The rest of the article is of course garbage as usual, reinforcing their garbage. What more could you expect from the BBC?

Groeten, Ben

Odessa, a day before the conmemoration

A day before the anniversary of the Odessa tragedy, occupying forces of the Ukraine army are present around the Trade Un ion building to opress any protest. See video, HERE.

30 opmerkingen:

  1. Geheimdienst-Experte Erich Schmidt-Eenboom bei "maybrit illner": Wir werden von der Bundesregierung relativ ungeschickt belogen

    Zou het bij ons beter zijn?

    Groeten, Ben

    1. Ook met Sahra Wagenknecht! Ach hadden wij maar een zo'n politica!

    2. http://sputniknews.com/columnists/20150430/1021571145.html

  2. Braun believes that Washington is responsible for the "military aggression" toward Russia through Ukraine. He mentioned that the United States brought their true intensions to light in July 2014 when US Congress passed the Russian Aggression Prevention Act (RAPA), which granted Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia major non-NATO ally status to authorize the transfer of military assistance to Ukraine and to share intelligence with Kiev.

    Read more: http://sputniknews.com/analysis/20150429/1021527436.html#ixzz3YtLvCnKr

    Groeten, Ben

  3. De mensen op de Krim hebben nu evenveel spijt als haren op hun hoofd:

    Groeten, Ben

  4. Onderstaande werd geschreven door Anastasia Limareva, een vrouw afkomstig uit Oekraïne, en gepost op facebook. Haar Nederlands is niet perfect, maar het is begrijpbaar. Het is tenslotte de inhoud die telt:

    Groeten, Ben

  5. Vraag is wat er vandaag en morgen aan media-aandacht voor Odessa komt. Ik nodig iedereen uit in deze draad verslag te doen hierover.

    1. Deze reactie is verwijderd door de auteur.

    2. Een heel klein poepetje van brabbelman, maar dan toch: DONDEREND APPLAUS!!

    3. @Mental Midget1974,

      Een kinderhand is gauw gevuld.

  6. After horrific tragedy in Odessa on May 2, 2014, Ukraine didn’t just turned away from the truth, but its authorities put behind the bars the undesirable eyewitnesses of the events on Kulikovo Field, while the perpetrators of this massacre remain at large. But witnesses, even if they are currently sitting in jail, do not want to remain silent – they are ready to testify at all the indictments and talk about what really happened on May 2, 2014. One of these people is Anatoly Lipovka, who was thrown to the Odessa jail for his anti-Maydan position. Anatoly and six more people were put on trial for “separatism,” or rather for what they were about to do after the May 2 – to travel to the Donbas to join the militia.

    Groeten, Ben

  7. @Grand Dank; ik heb het aangepast. Dit blog maken we samen.

  8. The Guardian's Disgraceful Whitewash of the Odessa Massacre:
    A quick scan of the article, and the headline is enough. To the casual weekend reader, the takeaway based on the headline and a couple lead paragraphs - based on the headline, is, that both sides are equally guilty, and well, you know how these things are, it’s a murky story with no clear blame due anyone…

    Groeten, Ben

  9. People from across the Globe have come together to express solidarity with Russia during these times of hardship and constant attacks by the Western Media and Government’s. Attacks that are often based on lies which these people have come together to help explain the Truth behind them as part of ‘The West:

    Groeten, Ben

  10. 2mei, Beursplein Amsterdam, 12.30 uur. Herdenking van de Odessa slachting door de Kiev fascisten een jaar geleden.

    Groeten, Ben

    1. http://blikopnosjournaal.blogspot.nl/2014/06/odessa-real-story.html

  11. Als we toch aan het herdenken zijn: op NUjij stond een tijdje geleden een aardige samenvatting van de Ukraine crisis:

    Tijd om eens terug te kijken. Resultaten van een jaar vechten: Ukraine zal het nieuwste lage lonenland van de EU worden en Rusland heeft zijn militaire haven terug binnen de grenzen veroverd.
    Onze Nationale veiligheid is nooit in het geding geweest maar er is in Oost Europa een duidelijke boodschap afgegeven: wees netjes tegen Russische minderheden en in Brussel: probeer maar niets meer in Wit Rusland.
    Minister Kamp heeft daarentegen nog steeds op korte termijn 10 miljard kuub aardgas van Gazprom nodig om ons aardbevingsprobleem op te lossen; de land- en tuinbouwsector wil weer dolgraag naar Rusland exporteren en daarnaast hebben we Rusland vast en zeker nodig om IS buiten Europa te houden.
    Meer dan een jaar hebben we fijn kunnen afgeven op de grootmachten, die de hand in de Oekraïense ellende hadden. Kunnen we dan nu weer aan het werk?

    Toen ik later terugging om eventuele reacties hierop te lezen, bleek de gebruiker door de Sanoma redactie te zijn verwijderd, maar niet de reacties op het bericht die intussen waren gepost. Merkwaardig toch: gevloek en getier laat de redactie staan maar een goed geschreven weerwoord op desinformatie wordt niet op prijs gesteld.

  12. Vandaag las ik een zeer waardevolle reactie van iemand op een stuk van Laura Starink. Mooi geformuleerd:

    Laura Starink zou haar eigen teksten zo nu en dan eens moeten teruglezen.
    De berichtgeving over de Oekraine in de Nederlandse pers is vanaf het moment dat de Maidan opstand omsloeg in een gewapende revolte met enkele simpele mantra’s ‘geframed’ die door A.P. en Reuters werden aangereikt; w.m.b. puur journalistieke horigheid.

    Vanaf het begin is hardnekkig de ware aard van de ‘democratische’ revolutie die duidelijk meer anti-Russisch was dan pro-Europees ontkend en/of onder het tapijt geschoven.

    Zonder enige kritiek kon een ‘democratisch’ gekozen regering rechts-extremistische milities met zwaar materieel op een gedeelte van de bevolking loslaten, dat die zich verweerden en steun kregen van de RF is allemaal Putins schuld hij is immers het Boze Oog.

    De hautain arrogante simplificering van de steun die Putin geniet onder de grote massa van de RF bevolking (komt immers allemaal door propaganda en misleiding) is niet alleen stuitend maar ernstig contra-productief. Munitie voor NATO militanten en vernietigend voor de zeer moeizame proces van relatie-verbetering dat ruim 25 jaren heeft geduurd.

    Eerst het hele Midden Oosten met leugens en slechte argumenten in brand gezet en toen de een belangrijke en mogelijke partner schofferen. En dat allemaal vanwege latente (maar meest irrationele) angsten in sommige sommige ex-republieken van de CIS.

    VS traint het leger van de Oekraine, in Kiev struikel je over de CIA agenten en z’n F16’s staan in Estonia. Zelf heeft het een gigantische hekwerk opgwetrokken om Z. Amerikaanse volken met geweld te weren.

    Maar wat zou er gaan gebeuren als Moscow er werkelijk genoeg krijgt van wat aan haar grenzen gebeurd, Laura? Het haast onvoorstelbare waarvoor WIJ in alle opzichten de prijs zouden gaan betalen……

  13. Voor wie Russisch kan is er een nieuwe site gelanceerd door yurasumy. Over de Oekraïne voor Oekraïners en door Oekraïners uit de verschillende kampen: http://naspravdi.info/ met bijvoorbeeld het volgende artikel: http://naspravdi.info/analitic/403

  14. Oh, enne, op de presidentiële site van Poroshenko staat het volgende:

    'War will be finished only after Ukraine returns all the territories of Donbas and Crimea, as stated by President Petro Poroshenko in the interview to "STB" TV channel.'

    En op dezelfde site staat ook het volgende:

    'the Head of State is glad that the symbol of May holidays will be the image of poppy. “I am glad that Ukraine will be in red and black colors. We will celebrate May 9 with respect for the veterans of the Second World War and the veterans of the Patriotic War of 2014-2015. These wars are the same, for they are about the defense of our Homeland from the aggressor,” Petro Poroshenko noted.

    Even voor de duidelijkheid, rood en zwart zijn de kleuren van OEPA (het Oekraïense leger dat in WO II aan de kant van Hitler vocht) en van de Rechtse Sector, de fascistoïde ultranationalistische organisatie die al een jaar lang dood en verderf zaait in de Oekraïne. Ach, niets nieuws onder de zon. In Estland en Letland eert men al jaren zijn veteranen uit de WO II, dwz Esten en Letten die aan de kant van Hitler-Duitsland vochten... En dat is nooit een obstakel geweest bij het toetreden tot de EU en de NAVO...

  15. Ondertussen gaat de genocide in Yemen ook gewoon door:
    While Western allies would have you believe that the Saudi-led airstrikes on Yemen are meant to ‘restore’ order – we’ve had no explanation as to how this unprovoked bombardment will help to bring stability to an already fractured region.

    This week saw a new batch of Saudi airstrikes hammer Sana’a, the capital of Yemen. The targeted campaign has continued its breach of international law, following a ceasefire flip-flop by Saudi Arabia earlier last week.

    Read Shawn Helton's complete article on 21stCentruryWire: RUTHLESS RAGE: Saudi Strikes in Yemen Open the Door to Terror

  16. Nikolay Azarov, former Prime Minister of Ukraine:

    The day will go down in history forever, and when this bloody regime is gone, there will be a memorial erected on the Kulikovo field to the memory of those perished on this day. A memorial that should serve as a reminder of a terrible event that should never occur again.

    Read on in English at Fortruss: A test for humanity: the anniversary of Odessa tragedy

    Or in Russian at: Тест на человечность. К годовщине трагедии в Одессе

  17. Is this a sick joke:

    Ukrainian privatization goes deep "Je suis Ukrnafta" front cover image.

    "You will not believe it, we are launching in Ukraine..."

    Read at Fortruss: Charlie Hebdo is launching in Ukraine

  18. Dit prachtige artikel laat maar weer eens zien, dat onrechtmatig landjepik d.m.v. oorlog nooit tot een zege kan leiden, want de kinderen van de toekomst laten zich niet wegblazen door laffe fascisten:

    The first time the boarding school for deaf-mute children was shelled from heavy artillery on such a significant day for Ukraine, it was the Independence Day on 24th August. The shelling was from Peski, studding corpus was damaged the most, and children had in that classroom the lesson of Ukrainian language on the eve...

    ...There was beautiful and quality repair before the shelling, people, working staff did everything possible to make such special children happy and educated, however, children became the target for Kiev.

    The greatest thing is that we all live with a hope to live in a peaceful world! We are to do a lot to cure our wounds, if someone wants and can, help please to reconstruct not a simple boarding school, but a house for children!

    Kievskiy district of Donetsk after the shelling of UAF. Children became the target of Ukrainian president

  19. Massacre in Odessa . We don’t forget.

    Documentary film compiled of the extensive amount of video footage done on that day by various witnesses and investigated throughout an independent view point. Documentary created by IOUCO (International Observatory of the Ukrainian Conflit) and IIBC (International Independent Broadcasting Corps).
    deel 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whqQCx6RXkY
    deel 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8hOpZyVydc

    Groeten, Ben

  20. The May 2nd Ukrainian massacre of anti-regime pamphleteers last year at the Odessa Trade Unions Building, burning these pamphleteers alive there, was crucial to the Obama Administration’s solidification of its control over Ukraine. That massacre was designed to, and it did, terrorize the residents in all areas of Ukraine which had voted overwhelmingly for the man whom Obama had just ousted, Viktor Yanukovych. Especially in the Donbass region, Yanokovych had received 90%+ of the votes. In Odessa, he had received three-quarters of the votes. (Later will be explained why this terror against the residents of such regions was necessary for Obama’s purpose of solidifying his control over Ukraine’s government.)

    Groeten, Ben

  21. Today is the first anniversary of the mass murder carried out by Ukrainian neo-nazis in Odessa. No-one has been charged or arrested for that crime. Little surprise there though, since the massacre was orchestrated by the US-installed coup government of thieves and murderers now ruling in Ukraine. I bet if the victims were Jewish, that would've guaranteed that tragedy eternal coverage in the Western media, never-ending documentaries, books and movies. Alas, the poor folks who got murdered that day -- on camera, for all the world to see -- were mere Slavs. And that is obviously not newsworthy enough.

    Groeten, Ben

  22. How the thugs killed Odessa inhabitants in the Trade Unions House - the details of bloody scenario:

    Groeten, Ben

  23. Het Odessa bloedbad, 2 mei 2014
