maandag 6 mei 2024

Medvedev waarschuwt voor wereldwijde catastrofe als Westen zo doorgaat

Hopelijk iedereen gisteren fijn bevrijdingsdag gevierd....

Gisteren bij Buitenhof, de oud secretaris generaal van de NATO, de Hoop Scheffer, op de vraag of er behalve meer wapens (waaronder raketten die Russisch gerondgebied diep raken) nog andere mogelijkheden waren om de oorlog te stoppen. Nee, die waren er niet. Volgens de CDA'er.

"Onze" politici, in samenspraak met "onze" staatspropagandakanalen, koersen regelrecht op vernieitging af. Er komt een moment dat de woorden van -zoals hier- Medvedev omgezet worden in daden. En dan is Nederland ook doelwit. Maar hopelijk heeft iedereen zijn zonnepanelen geplaatst en is overgeschakeld op een vegan dieet... 


The choir of irresponsible bastards from among Western elites calling for sending their troops to the nonexistent country is expanding. Now it includes members of US Congress, French and British administration, and some madmen from the Baltic States and Poland. They are also calling for active use of their missile weapons, previously delivered to banderovtsy against all of Russia’s territory. And it is not the spring exacerbation, but cynical calculation of political dividend. Some kind of total degradation of the Western ruling class is happening. This class really doesn’t want to make logical connections between elementary points. Sending their troops to the f. Ukraine’s territory will mean direct engagement of their countries in war, and we will have to respond to it. And, alas, not within the f. Ukraine’s borders. In that case, none of them will be able to hide either on Capitol Hill, or in the Elysee Palace, or in Downing Street, 10. It will be a global catastrophe. This is something that Kennedy and Khruschev managed to understand over 60 years ago; and something that the present-day infantile morons in power in the West don’t want to comprehend. And this is why today the General Staff has started preparations for the military exercise that includes drills of preparation and use of nonstrategic nuclear weapons.

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