Beste vrienden van Blik op het NOS Journaal,
Jan Verheul stelde voor, mede in verband met beetje gas terug recentelijk, om een blog te schrijven, en onderstaand het resultaat.
Dag Blik,
Leuk dat ik wat mag schrijven/plaatsen.
Ik ga het uiteraard even niet over Corona hebben, want daar worden we het niet over eens.
Ik wil drie artikelen aanstippen die méér over onze toekomst zeggen dan alle Corona ‘laatste nieuwtjes’ bij elkaar. ( Wat adviseert Faucci vandààg? Wèl of geen maskertje?)
1) Chinese trein gaat 600 km per uur rijden…
Nanjing which recently had a first world problem with Covid-19. One traveler had brought it in. Ten close contacts were identified and 140 possible contacts beyond them. All were notified, isolated and tested and Nanjing is again free of Covid. Meanwhile over 90% of all adults in Beijing have been vaccinated.
In datzelfde artikel van Moon of Alabama toch nog een stukje Corona:
Nanjing, which recently had a first world problem with Covid-19. One traveler had brought it in. Ten close contacts were identified and 140 possible contacts beyond them. All were notified, isolated and tested and Nanjing is again free of Covid. Meanwhile over 90% of all adults in Beijing have been vaccinated.
What amazes me is that some in the U.S. still think they can compete with and beat such an efficient system.
2. Nieuws uit Rusland.
Many Interesting Developments in Russia.
The past week has been quite intense in Russia – lots of interesting developments took place, and today I will mention three:
Putin wrote a very interesting essay on the history of Russia and the Ukraine, which he followed up with a very interesting interview.
Russia just concluded final tests for truly formidable weapons systems like the S-500 and the Mach 8 hypersonic missile Zircon.
In its yearly aviation salon MAKS, Russia has just presented a 5th generation, single engine light multi-functional fighter the Su-75 “Checkmate”
These are all truly huge developments for Russia which we need to look into separately.
2) Fred Reed kijkt naar China en ziet hoe de VS zit te slapen.
Enkele onderdeeltjes uit dit 3 pagina’s lange artikel :
China to Build World’s First Modular Mini-Reactor
“Linglong One is a pressurized water reactor with a capacity of 125 MW – the first small commercial onshore modular reactor or SMR to be constructed in the world. After being launched, the SMR will be able to generate enough power to meet the energy demands of approximately 526,000 households annually.”
China maintains ‘artificial sun’ at 120 million Celsius for over 100 seconds, setting new world record
Another step in the quest for fusion power. Other countries, inclusing America, are working on this, but there was a time when the US would have been the clear leader. Times change.
Vier items over de Chinese ruimtevaart.
Een Chinese krant geeft haar mening over de Amerikanen en hun Identity Politics:
“City Journal: “Identity politics has engulfed the humanities and social sciences on American campuses; now it is taking over the hard sciences. The STEM fields—science, technology, engineering, and math—are under attack for being insufficiently “diverse.” The pressure to increase the representation of females, blacks, and Hispanics comes from the federal government, university administrators, and scientific societies themselves. That pressure is changing how science is taught and how scientific qualifications are evaluated. The results will be disastrous for scientific innovation and for American competitiveness”
Een item over nieuwe computer technologie:
Chinese achieve new milestone with 56 qubit computer
China koopt nu nog elk jaar voor 350 miljard $ halfgeleiders van Westerse landen. Het zal niet lang meer duren of ze maken die dingen zèlf, voor een prijs waar Het westen nooit tegen op kan.
Tel uit je winst!
En maar druk zijn met ‘discriminatie’ de hele dag.
Links naar de artikelen: 1) 2) 3)